Scholastic Literacy Pro Library

分类: 电子资源

Transform Students into Confident Readers in School & at Home


8 - 18岁

Literacy Pro Library makes it easy for teachers to match students with eBooks at their reading level. It is enhanced with features and resources at point of use that enable teachers to implement literacy instruction and independent reading.
Literacy Pro Library 能够让教师轻松地将学生的阅读水平与电子书相匹配。借助于使用点的功能和资源,这种匹配能力得以增强,从而支持教师组织读写教学及提高学生的独立阅读能力。

High Quality, Engaging Content from Anywhere!

Get high quality and engaging content at home, school or wherever you are with unlimited access to more than 1000 fiction and nonfiction eBooks ranging in Lexile from Beginning Reader to 1340L, including new short stories on social emotional learning that will encourage even reluctant readers and books on STEM, world cultures and favorite fiction series like Goosebumps, Maze Runner, and Discover More!

在家中、学校或任何地方获得高质量,而且引人入胜的内容,您可以无限制地读取 1000 多本虚构文学和非虚构文学电子书,Lexile 中的范围涵盖从 Beginning Reader(初级读者)到 1340L 的方方面面,其中包括关于社交情感学习的新短篇小说,它们甚至能够吸引不喜欢读书的读者;此外还包括关于STEM(科学、技术、工程、数学)、世界文化和热门小说系列方面的书籍,例如 Goosebumps、Maze Runner 和 Discover More!

Find out more information and download brochure here [link here]

Support Skills Development at Every Level Using the Right Book

Get Your Students Reading the Right Books



  • Maximize reading achievement with books that match students’ targeted reading levels
  • Find the best titles for every student using search filters like age range, Lexile measure, reading skill and more
  • Read & Think give teachers the ability to see the pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading activities to prep-up before assigning the titles to the students.
  • Easily assign eBooks to the whole class or individual students
  • Browse collections of eBooks curated by interest and themes like Mystery, Space, and more
  • Support a culture of accountable independent reading with seamless access to book quizzes in Literacy Pro
  • Real-time reports to track students reading progress
  • 利用符合学生目标阅读水平的书籍最大限度提高阅读效果
  • 借助于年龄范围、Lexile 衡量标准、阅读技巧等搜索过滤器为每位学生寻找最佳主题
  • “阅读和思考”功能能够让教师查看阅读前、阅读中和阅读后的活动,以便在为学生分配主题之前做好准备。
  • 轻松将电子书分配给整个班级或个别学生
  • 依照兴趣和主题(例如神秘小说、太空探索等)浏览收藏的电子书籍
  • 通过无缝访问 Literacy Pro 中的图书测验题,支持培养可靠独立阅读文化
  • 实时报告学生阅读进度

For more information, watch the teacher’s tutorial video.


Strengthen and Develop Students’ Independent Reading Skills

  • Leveled fiction and nonfiction titles cover a wide range of genres and interests
  • New short stories on social emotional learning that will encourage even reluctant readers
  • Read-aloud function aids fluency for younger and beginning readers
  • Read & Think enables and empowers every reader to read proficiently as an independent reader, by providing prompts and questions at strategic points within the text (before, while and after reading)
  • Clickable definitions expand students' content-area vocabulary
  • Audio recorder helps teachers to access oral reading fluency
  • Integrated comprehension quizzes with a Scholastic Literacy Pro subscription support an accountable independent reading experience
  • 各种程度的虚构文学和非虚构文学主题涵盖了广泛的流派和兴趣
  • 关于社交情感学习的新短篇小说能够鼓励甚至不情愿读书的读者
  • 朗读功能帮助年幼读者和初级读者流利地阅读
  • ”阅读和思考”功能在文本中的关键点(阅读前、阅读中和阅读后)提供了各种提示和问题,使得每位读者都能作为独立读者熟练阅读
  • 可点击查阅的定义那个扩展学生的“内容-领域”词汇量
  • 录音机功能可以帮助教师实现流利的口语阅读
  • 阅读理解测验Scholastic Literacy Pro订阅相结合,能够提供可靠的独立阅读体验

For more information, watch the student’s tutorial video.

Increase Engagement & Interaction with Interactive Read-Alouds

Research shows that reding aloud to children is the most important activity for eventual reading success. The Interactive Read-Alouds feature provides teachers with rich resources for an engaging and interactive read-aloud experience with minimal preparation.


Opportunities for Meaningful Interactions

Teachers receive an alert when a student submits a note or audio recording

They can reply directly to student notes or recordings

Search filter that supports ‘Interactive Read-Alouds & ‘Read & Think’ for teachers and students make it easy to find and assign the right books for each students
为教师和学生提供的、支持 “交互式朗读”和“阅读和思考”功能的搜索过滤器可以轻松寻找并为每个学生分配恰当的书籍

View ‘Read & Think’ questions for teachers (Pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading)

Downloadable book data in the form of an Excel sheet for teachers/administrators
以 Excel 表格形式为教师/管理员提供的可下载的图书数据